The end of October snuck up on me this year. Halloween is next week, guys. NEXT WEEK. So in case you're like me and are trying to put together some last minute Halloween costumes, I have a quick costume accessory to share with you all: a Pokéball plushy! I originally invented this pattern for my Pokémon obsessed 5 year old, who desperately wanted a pokéball to play with. And since he's going to be Ash Ketchum for Halloween this year, it now doubles as part of his costume. Win! Since Pokémon seems to be pretty popular at the moment, odds are good that at least one of you out there needs a pokéball ASAP, so I figured I'd share this quick little pattern with you all to help you out.
If there's one thing that I never get tired of, it's textured crochet stitches. Ribbing, ridges, popcorns, puffs. . . the squishier, the better! It's hard to choose (they're all just so lovely), but I think that my favorite textured stitch would have to be the bean stitch. The bean stitch is no stranger to this blog; It's been the star of more than one pattern in the last couple of years. So when I was thinking about making a textured pumpkin, of course I had to use the bean stitch! For those of you who are looking to upgrade your basic crocheted pumpkin, this cute bean stitch pumpkin is sure to fit the bill.
It's now October, so we all know what that means: it's pumpkin season! Love it or hate it, there's no avoiding them in one form or another. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? I know that there are approximately 12748329 different crocheted pumpkins patterns out there already, but after some encouragement from you all, I'm gonna toss a couple more into the ring. Time to embrace your inner pumpkin! Err... Time to become one with the pumpkin!? Still no... It's pumpkin o'clock??? Somehow even worse... However you want to say it, here is a crochet pattern set so you can make Yet Another Pumpkin (in 3 sizes)!
I LOVE deciduous trees. Their lush green leaves in summer. Their hopeful blossoms in spring. Even their bold, bare branches in winter (aka "dead stick season," aka "the worst"). But nothing leaves me in awe quite like their brilliant leaves in fall. Now those are swoon-worthy, even for the less arboreally-minded among us; I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to see the beauty in vibrant fall foliage. And since it's officially fall now, it only seemed right to pay homage to my favorite feature of one of my favorite things using my favorite medium. This leaf garland was exactly what I needed. With a little bit of yarn magic, I now have a tiny piece of endless fall indoors. What could be better?
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January 2025