Spring has sprung and spring cleaning is underway! When I'm cleaning, there are few things I find more satisfying than organizing things into containers, especially if they're cute containers. So when I found some yarn that needed repurposing, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to crochet up a useful basket. Which naturally led to making an entire set of baskets. (The yarn made me do it, I swear!) These nesting baskets come together quickly and are the perfect mix of simplistic and stunning. And, since you can organize things in them, making these baskets is basically equivalent to cleaning your house. Heck, making the entire set is basically the same thing as deep cleaning your bathroom. And after all that hard work, you definitely deserve a crochet break. So you can make even more baskets! (It's a vicious cycle, but someone's gotta do it...)
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Growing up, there was always one item that you could find on my wish list: a floppy hat. None that I ever found seemed to match up to the platonic form of pure "floppy hat" that lingered in my subconscious. So I never got one I was satisfied with. Then as I got older, my hat coveting turned into a strange wish to make my own sun hat. I definitely tried, but it never quite panned out (yarn + heat = sweaty head). I'd just about given up on my absurd quest, when I came across Wool and the Gang's new Ra-Ra Raffia yarn. My inner DIY radar started going off: NEW PROJECT ALERT! That would be perfect for a hat! And, sure enough, they had a kit for a hat all ready to go. I was powerless to resist. Definitely a #shutupandtakemymoney moment.
I was sorting through my yarn stash the other day, when I came to a shocking conclusion: I have too much yarn. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Too much yarn? Is that even possible?" Well, in my dream world, definitely not. But in the tiny apartment world...yeah. It happens. I was most concerned with my growing pile of scrap yarn. You know those little balls of yarn that are too small for most projects but that you can't bear to part with? I've been collecting them for yeeaarrsss (seriously, some of this scrap yarn is from high school). So I decided to give those little yarn balls a new purpose and turn them into a cozy scrapghan!
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January 2025